@article{oai:konan-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004231, author = {中谷, 智美 and NAKATANI, Tomomi and 福井, 義一 and FUKUI, Yoshikazu and 大浦, 真一 and Oura, Shinichi and 今井田, 貴裕 and IMAIDA, Takahiro}, journal = {甲南大學紀要.文学編, The Journal of Konan University. Faculty of Letters}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 催眠療法の心身の疾患に対する有効性が認められているにも関わらず,催眠に対する否定的なイメージが流布しているせいで,わが国における催眠療法の活用は不十分であると言える。催眠の適切な普及と発展を促すには,催眠に対する態度(催眠態度)を改善する方法を開発する必要がある。催眠態度は催眠状態期待(主体性喪失期待,潜在能力解放期待)の影響を受けることから,本研究では催眠状態期待を適切に修正することを意図した3 種類の心理教育による意識的・非意識的催眠態度の変化の違いを検討した。54 名の一般大学生を3 つの条件(主体性喪失期待修正条件,潜在能力解放期待修正条件,統制条件)に割り付け,心理教育の実施前後で質問票調査を実施した。分析の結果,意識的催眠態度は,主体性喪失期待修正条件において事前の意識的催眠態度が否定的であった群と,事前の意識的催眠態度が否定的であった男性において肯定的に変化した。一方で,条件にかかわらず,事前の非意識的催眠態度が肯定的な場合は,心理教育により中庸化したのに対して,否定的な場合は変化しなかったことから,心理教育の効果は不十分であることが分かった。このことから,「操作的」とか「支配的」といった催眠に対する否定的なイメージを修正することが,催眠に対する忌避的態度を改善し,催眠療法の利用を促進する有効な手段であることが示唆された。心理教育の効果の性差には,わが国における伝統的ジェンダー観が影響していると考察された。, Despite the recognized efficacy of hypnotherapy in treating mental and physical disorders, its practice in Japan remains inefficient, probably due to the prevalence of negative and false images regarding hypnosis. Therefore, it is necessary to develop methods for improving attitudes towards hypnosis to facilitate its diffusion and development. Attitude towards hypnosis is affected by expectancies for the hypnotic state, including expectancy for loss of control and for released potentiality. Therefore, this study examined changes in conscious and nonconscious attitudes toward hypnosis caused by three types of psycho-education for correcting expectancies for the hypnotic state. University student participants (N = 54) were assigned to three conditions (correcting expectancies for loss of control, correcting expectancies for released potentiality, and the control). The participants responded to a questionnaire survey before and after psycho-education. The results indicated that conscious attitude towards hypnosis changed positively in students who previously had a negative conscious attitude towards hypnosis and men with previously negative conscious attitude towards hypnosis, assigned to the correcting expectancies for loss of control condition. In contrast, nonconscious attitudes toward hypnosis scores were closer to 0.0, which is the theoretical median for students that previously had a negative nonconscious attitude towards hypnosis and were assigned to all the conditions . However, nonconscious attitudes toward hypnosis did not change in the group with a previously negative nonconscious attitude towards hypnosis, suggesting that the effect of psycho-education was negligible. These findings suggest that changing the negative image of hypnosis, including images of being manipulative and controlling, is an effective method of improving the negative attitude towards hypnosis and promoting hypnotherapy. The traditional stereotype of gender in Japan might influence gender differences in the efficacy of psycho-education.}, pages = {151--171}, title = {催眠状態期待の修正を意図した心理教育による意識的・非意識的催眠態度の変化 ―大学生を対象とした予備的研究―}, volume = {172}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ナカタニ, トモミ and フクイ, ヨシカズ and オオウラ, シンイチ and イマイダ, タカヒロ} }