@article{oai:konan-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000416, author = {伊庭, 緑 and IBA, Midori}, journal = {言語と文化, Language and Culture : The Journal of the Institute for Language and Culture}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, This study investigates the impact of intensive perceptual training on the pronunciation of English cosonant by Japanese students. I have already examined the effectiveness of using visual cues in the perception of labial/labiodental cotrast in a previous study (Iba 2004). According to that study, audiovisual training seemed to be more effective in improving the perception of the labial/labiodental contral contrast than anditory training. In the study, Japanese learners of English were tested on their perception of the /l/-/r/ contrast in audio, visual and audiovisual modalities, and then undertook ten sessions of perceptual training with either auditory stimuli, natural audiovisual stimuli or audiovisual stimuli with a synthetic face synchronized to natural speech. The/l/-/r/ perception improved in all groups, but learners trained audiovisually did not improve more than those trained auditorily. Auditory perception improved most for 'A training' (audio training) learners, and sensitivity to visual cues improved most for 'AV training' (audio-visual training) learners. The learners' pronunciation of /l/-/r/ improved significantly following perceptual training, with a greater improvement seen for those trained audiovisually with natural stimuli. The present study shows that sensitivity to visual cues for ncn-native segmental contrasts can be enhanced via percentual training, and that audiovisual training will be more effective for those phonemic contrasts for which visual cues are sufficiently salient.}, pages = {29--40}, title = {Perceptual Training and the Production of English Consonants by Japanese Learners}, volume = {9}, year = {2005}, yomi = {イバ, ミドリ} }