@article{oai:konan-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003656, author = {田中, 建夫 and TANAKA, Takeo}, issue = {3}, journal = {甲南大学学生相談室紀要, Bulletin of Konan Student Counseling Room}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, This study is attempted to clarify the domain of the negative ideal-self which had an influence on self-esteem in adolescence. A questionnaire inquiring into real- and negative ideal-self images and self-esteem (Rosenberg) was conducted on 136 high-school students and 289 university students. As for university students, the result showed that 'individuality' ('boldness') and 'sociability' correlate significantly with self-esteem, but in case of highschool students, the result showed no correlation. In short, self-esteem is supported by a recognition of how much one is not a person unpossessing individuality. These findings suggested that negative ideal-self images, especially those concerning individuality and sociability are internalized gradually in late adolescence.}, pages = {65--71}, title = {青年期の自尊感情を規定する負の理想自己の領域について}, year = {1996}, yomi = {タナカ, タケオ} }