@article{oai:konan-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003361, author = {田中, 陽三 and Tanaka, Yozo}, journal = {甲南大学教職教育センター年報・研究報告書}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 「兵庫が育むこころ豊かで自立した人づくり」は『第2期ひょうご教育創造プラン(兵庫県教育基本計画)』にある基本理念であり、予測困難な未来社会において自立的に生きる力を育てようとしている。しかし、人材育成に携わる教員の側に「自立」という意識を持って教育活動にいそしむ教員がどれほど育っているのであろうか。自立した教員とはどのような教員であるのか。筆者は、英語教育に携わる若手教員に向けて以下の4つの提案をし、筆者の教育実践綛験を基に考察したい。①全体を見渡した俯瞰的な観点から英語教育を進める、②自立のための振り返り(自己評価)を大切にする、③自立のためには自らの想像力を発揮した教育活動を行う、④自らのアイディアで教材・教具を工夫する, “WE SUPPORT OUR CHILDREN TO BECOME INDEPENDENT AND RICH in SPIRIT” is the fundamental principle based on “Hyogo Educational Promotion Plan―Second Stage.” This is trying to foster the children's ability to live independently in an unpredictable future society. However, how many teachers involved in human resource development are carrying out their educational activities with the awareness of their ‘independence' ? What is an independent teacher like? The following message should be shared with promising young teachers engaged in English education. ①To promote English education from the bird's eye view overlooking the whole. ②To cherish looking back at themselves (self-evaluation) for independence. ③To do educational activities using their own imagination for independence. ④To devise teaching materials and teaching tools by making the most of their own creative ideas. I will reexamine these suggestions based on my long and precious teaching experiences in secondary and tertiary education.}, pages = {49--54}, title = {自立した教員育成を目指して : 英語教育・国際理解の観点から}, volume = {2018年度}, year = {2019}, yomi = {タナカ, ヨウゾウ} }