@article{oai:konan-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000200, author = {堀, 孝司 and HORI, Takashi and FUKUI, Yoshikazu and 福井, 義一}, journal = {心の危機と臨床の知}, month = {Mar}, note = {いじめを深刻化させたり,その解決を阻害したりする一因として,いじめを容認する言説の存在が指摘されている。中学生のいじめ容認態度を測定するために,5 つの下位尺度からなるいじめ容認態度尺度(神藤・齊藤, 2001)が開発されたが,一般成人における適用可能性は不明である。さらに,本尺度の下位尺度には,内的整合性が低いものや,態度の測定にそぐわない名前のものが含まれることから,その内的整合性や因子的妥当性にも疑問が残る。また,いじめ容認態度の因子構造が被害・加害経験者と未経験者,および男女間で異なる可能性もある。そこで本研究では,一般成人への適用可能性を確認するために,いじめ容認態度尺度(神藤・齊藤, 2001)の内的整合性と因子的妥当性,因子不変性を検討した。その結果,原版とは異なる3 因子解が採択され,原版よりも高い因子的妥当性や内的整合性が確認された。また,いじめ被害・加害経験の有無と性別の違いによる因子不変性も高いことが確認された。これらの結果から,本尺度が一般成人に適用可能であることが結論づけられた。, Accepting attitudes toward bullying in the general population have been suggested as one of the factors that exacerbate bullying and hinder its resolution. Shinto & Saito (2001)developed the five-subscale Bullying Acceptance Attitude Scale to assess these attitudes among junior high school students. However, the applicability of the scale to the general population is unclear, as is its internal consistency and factorial validity. Specifically, some subscales show low internal consistency, and one of the subscale names does not adequately reflect the attitudes being measured. In addition, the factor structure of the scale may vary between victims and perpetrators of bullying and between genders. This study re-examines the Bullying Acceptance Attitude Scale for internal consistency, factor validity, and factor invariance across different demographic groups to confirm its broader applicability. As a result, we adopted a three-factor solution, different from the original, which showed higher factor validity and internal consistency. In addition, we confirmed high factor invariance between those who have and have not experienced bullying victimization or perpetration, and between genders. These findings support the applicability of the scale to the general population.}, pages = {85--101}, title = {いじめを容認する態度を測定する尺度の一般成人における適用可能性 ―因子的妥当性と内的整合性,因子不変性の検討―}, volume = {25}, year = {2024}, yomi = {ホリ, タカシ and フクイ, ヨシカズ} }