@article{oai:konan-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001747, author = {島本, 憲一 and Shimamoto, Kenichi}, journal = {Hirao School of Management review, Hirao School of Management review}, month = {Mar}, note = {The world economy continues to grow. The development of the economy and technological innovation has provided the increase of material wealth. On the other hand, such advancement has come at a cost to the environment and is often the cause of pollution and environmental damage and has trigger global debates in various fields between prioritizing economic growth or the environment. This paper examines friendly regions under such a debate applying a strategic form game to understand the mechanism. As a result, under the conditions that the nations maintain their friendly status, it was found that both countries maintain either the prioritization of economic development or the environment. There are also situations where both countries are able to find equilibrium under a certain rate of concessions, which suggests the importance of balancing.}, pages = {58--65}, title = {Economic Growth and the Environment}, volume = {6}, year = {2016}, yomi = {シマモト, ケンイチ} }